Black Student Union Alliance

The Black Student Union Alliance (BSUA) is an organization dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for Black students within educational institutions. It seeks to empower its members through cultural awareness, academic support, and community engagement. The BSUA often organizes events, workshops, and discussions that highlight Black history, culture, and contemporary issues, providing a platform for students to voice their experiences and aspirations. By promoting solidarity and understanding, the BSUA plays a crucial role in advocating for equity and justice, while also celebrating the rich diversity and achievements of the Black community.

Register now for the BSUA Conference!

Warner Pacific University

October 18th, 2024

10am - 2pm

2024 BSUA Conference Workshops:

Workshops for High School Students

  • Why is a Black Student Union important? “Understanding our past to chart our future.”

    Warner Pacific College Campus, Rm: TBD

    A famous quote by author Maya Angelou stated, “ You can’t really know where you are going, until you know where you have been.” How can we look towards the future, if we do not honor and learn from those who came and lead the groundwork before. Come learn something know, or revisit the history of the Black Student Union. Learn about its importance then, now, and how it is still reshaping how campuses look today.

  • “Connections: Another word for Networking.”

    Warner Pacific College Campus, Rm: TBD

    Do you feel as though your Black Student Union is alone when it comes to being on campus? Come make connections with other schools and share experiences. We are not alone in our daily communal encounters. Learn how to connect within your own school; within your own BSU, across other affinity groups, and with administration.

  • It starts from within: “Laying down the blueprint of success for your Black Student Union”

    Warner Pacific College Campus, Rm: TBD

    Understanding is more than have the battle. How does a BSU function? Well, it starts from within. Learn how you want your BSU to look and function; all while setting itself up for success and growth.

  • Q & A Panel: College BSU members

    Warner Pacific College Campus, Rm: TBD

    “High School BSU vs. College BSU: Similarities and Differences”
    Come ask questions and gain insight on being in a BSU on a college campus.

Workshops for Middle School Students

  • “Connections: Another word for Networking.”

    Warner Pacific College Campus, Rm: TBD

    Do you feel as though your Black Student Union is alone when it comes to being on campus? Come make connections with other schools and share experiences. We are not alone in our daily communal encounters. Learn how to connect within your own school; within your own BSU, across other affinity groups, and with administration.

  • It starts from within: “Laying down the blueprint of success for your Black Student Union”

    Warner Pacific College Campus, Rm: TBD

    Understanding is more than have the battle. How does a BSU function? Well, it starts from within. Learn how you want your BSU to look and function; all while setting itself up for success and growth.